What is the main 5 key difference between Java and C++?

Question: What is the main 5 key difference between Java and C++?
Ans : Java and C++ are both popular programming languages, but there are some key differences between them:

Platform independence

One of the most significant differences between Java and C++ is that Java is platform-independent, while C++ is not. Java code can be run on any platform that supports a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), whereas C++ code must be compiled separately for each platform.

Memory management

ava has automatic memory management through garbage collection, while C++ requires manual memory management through pointers and memory allocation/deallocation functions.

Object-oriented programming

Both Java and C++ are object-oriented programming languages, but Java enforces object-oriented principles more strictly than C++. For example, Java requires that all code be written within a class, while C++ allows for global functions and variables.

Exception handling

Java has built-in exception handling mechanisms that make it easier to handle errors in code, while C++ requires explicit exception handling using try-catch blocks.

Standard libraries

Java has a large standard library that includes a wide range of functionality, while C++ has a smaller standard library that focuses more on low-level functionality.

5 main key difference
C++ vs Java

Overall, Java and C++ have different strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them will depend on the specific requirements of the project at hand

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